Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Great Adventure

Play this "adventure," then leave comments here, not on the other site.



  1. This interactive story is an creative way of displaying the adventures of math and poetry. I enjoyed the personalities that you gave each of them, which meshed with each other like Peanut butter and jelly. Very cool idea, Timmy.

  2. OMG I bet I sound way too excited right now but THAT WAS SO COOL! I loved your storyline - the first time I went through it I had the math dude (or girl) let go and let poetry do all the driving. I also took the different paths though, and I liked how they both converge to the same idea - agree to disagree!

    1. Also I like how you made it in a domain where non-people will notice it and play the game - I saw u got a bunch of comments on, so kudos (is this even the right spelling) to u!

  3. This is pretty cool, man! Really creative. A lot of people have framed this question in terms of a conversation between math and poetry, and I like how you did something similar and yet different with it.

  4. I like how even-handed you are with each side- both tend to be open to the other's ideas. The explanations they give are also not too heavy-handed for why they are willing to give in to the other's suggestions, like math's Pythagorean theorem example. I especially liked when poetry mentioned about how it wanted to look at the statues multiple times, as it subtly gets at how people are always re-examining poetry to get new meaning. Great job.

  5. I agree with Jackson -- in my group, Lyle wrote the response to this prompt, and he wrote a dialogue that was also even-handed, and it ended in them becoming besties. This was a really cool way to deliver your story, and I appreciate the arguments and agreements that took place. There are definitely some fundamental differences between poetry and math that you can pick up on in the game, but also a lot of smaller unities they find with each other. Really cool project!

  6. This is really cool! I like how interactive it is, but how it doesn't distract from the story you're trying to tell.

  7. Great idea! This is very fun. (And cool that your choose-your-own story got some props in the comments from people out on the interwebz, as did the premise.)

  8. Holy crap this was really nice. It's been a while since I've read a 2nd person choose your own adventure sort of thing, and I really liked the combination of coding and the poetry problem.
