Friday, March 4, 2016

A(N) I. O. U.

A(N) I. O. U.

ayy, I. O. U. many thingz,
(a scary thing R gary’s thingz):
a scuba swim, a tuna fin,
a tuba, tin, a compost bin.

Shins on vinyl, midtirmz, finalz,
baptists, catfish, David’s bridal,
a chakra, paratha, judo kata,
chanclas, midulla oblongata.

i know you’ll luv da PS2
with zoo tycoon and FIFA too
cuz ayy, i got too many thingz,
(a scary thing R gary’s thingz):

my commentz: thiz poem wuz a real challenge. not being able to use “e” made me really have to rethink what i needed to fill out my linez cuz i wanted them to rhyme.  for a few phrazez i had to reword them entirely from what would have worked great otherwyze.  i thought when i wuz done that it read a lot like dialect poetry, kind of like an Ali G monologue because of all the z’s.


  1. Cool! I agree with what you said in your commentary that this reads well as a dialect poem. Especially with regards to the aspect of dialect poetry that we recently discussed in class: dialect poetry has to be read out loud. I don't know about the people that will read this after me, but every time I read it, I read it out loud. It just feels right. It was cool that you chose to use Zs in your commentary in place of Ss as it lived up to the challenge while incorporating an aspect of the poem you had just written.

  2. LOL I LOVE THIS! It's great how you included slang and changed the s's into z's. PS 2 lol also you put a colon on the end of a pair of parenthesis which made a sad face - I don't know if you did it on purpose, but it was pretty relevant to that part of the poem.

  3. I really like this post! It was very creative to use slang and "z"s to get around not being able to use some letters.

  4. I really loved how simple the poem is, but your take on it was so clever! I loved the use of slang, it's a really original take on the prompt. And I also liked the subtle rhyming!

  5. lool I love the last two lines of the first verse + the second verse. The repetition and the dialect is concise and intimate, like a note you'd pass during class or something. Thoughtful + expansive work!
